Modernising Europe’s Skies: Air traffic bosses meet the Commissioner
The CEOs of the A6 Alliance met yesterday with Commissioner Violeta Bulc, EU Commissioner for Transport in Brussels.
Discussion focused on the modernisation of Air Traffic Management services and the upcoming regulatory and technological challenges that the European Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) will face in the future. The A6 Alliance has reconfirmed its commitment to the SESAR programme for both R&D and Deployment activities. As also shown by the Commission’s proposal for the next Multiannual Financial Framework, research and innovation will continue to play a major role in Europe; A6 Alliance members are willing to engage with all stakeholders in achieving safer European skies which can address environmental concerns as well as accommodating expected traffic growth.
The topic of drones was also addressed in order to confirm ANSP’s commitment to ensure the safe integration of drones in European skies.
The A6 Alliance is a coalition of European ANSPs committed to the modernisation of the European ATM system. It was founded in 2011 and includes DFS, DSNA, ENAIRE, ENAV, NATS, PANSA, Austro Control, Croatia Control, IAA, LFV, Naviair, ANS CR, LPS, Oro Navigagcija, Skyguide. The members of the A6 Alliance are responsible for the safe management of more than 80% of Europe’s air traffic, and more than 70% of the investment in the future European ATM infrastructure