Noracon and A6 meeting
On 29th May, Noracon – a consortium of Northern European Air Navigation Service Providers – hosted a meeting for the A6 Steering Board and the Chief Executive Officers from the A6.
During the meeting, the CEOs heard about the achievements of the A6 to date, as well as discussing how to work together to deliver the ATM Master Plan.
The group also talked Single European Sky. Single European Sky (SES) was launched by the European Union in 2004, the idea behind it is to reform the architecture of European airspace and modernise its infrastructure to help meet future safety and capacity needs. It’s about improving the overall efficiency of the air traffic management system.
SESAR is the programme that will deliver the technology and procedures with a view to modernize and optimise the future European ATM network that will help deliver Single European Sky. The aim of SESAR is to provide an effective remedy to air transport capacity bottlenecks, fill gaps in the air traffic management system, enable significantly reduced CO2 emissions, increase safety, and reduce overall costs.
At the meeting, the CEOs discussed the A6’s willingness to co-operate with other European institutions to achieve a successful outcome on SESAR and its deployment.