A6 contacts

Names and telephone numbers for a6 member contacts are:

  • AENA: Begona Andrés         00 349 132 11481
  • DFS: Kristina Kelek              00 49 6103 7074161
  • DSNA : François RICHARD-BÔLE  00 336 27 02 25 38
  • ENAV:  Simone Stellato 0039 0681 662779
  • NATS: Deborah Seymour     00 44 1489 615925
  • NORACON A6 Group: Per Fröberg      00 46 1119 2635

About the A6

The A6 is an alliance of some of the largest European Air Navigation Service Providers.

Its aim is to drive the modernisation of the European ATM network within the SESAR programme for the benefit of customers.

A6 Members include:

Visit our website

Find out more about the A6 on our website including:


We would really like to hear what you thought of our newsletter.

Please share your feedback with Jane Johnston (A6 Communications Contact) at jane.johnston@nats.co.uk